The Boston Massacre was met with major outcry after colonists formed a mob and threw rocks and debris at British soldiers. The soldiers were ordered to fire and members of the mob were killed. News spread quickly and colonists became outraged at the event. This event became fuel for the revolutionaries that called for change.

The Boston Massacre was met with major outcry after colonists formed a mob and threw rocks and debris at British soldiers. The soldiers were ordered to fire and members of the mob were killed. News spread quickly and colonists became outraged at the event. This event became fuel for the revolutionaries that called for change.
The memory of the American Revolution is laden with patriotic cries and fighting for one's freedom. That same memory holds the slaves whose liberty colonists did not fight for. Even though colonists claimed to be on the side of freedom and liberty, many were unable to grasp the concept of extending those same rights to those in true bondage. The American Revolution was deemed a valiant and just conflict to obtain man's natural rights. The contradiction of freedom amidst a society based on slavery was evident to numerous people during this time. The colonists who saw this contradiction and felt guilty at its reality worked to free slaves in an attempt at creating a truly free country. Despite the work of these people, slavery would not see its end for nearly a hundred years. The persistance of those who defended slavery's actions are what kept the institution ongoing for so long.
This website attempts to detail the first efforts towards these two stances on slavery that paved the way towards future debates and division.
This content is also meant to be a summarization of the sides present during the American Revolution while providing ample source materials to make researching easier on fellow students and scholars. Finding proper sources can be difficult for this area, so it is the creator's goal to create a starting point for students or history enthusiasts seeking help. The general public was also put in mind when creating the summaries and creating a Quick Reads tab. This section has books that someone of any history background can read regarding this topic.
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